In recent years it's been a pleasure to donate a portrait to the Purrfect Pals Black Cat Auction. This year's portrait is of Sadie, a shy and petite kitty with long silky hair and big eyes. This photo of the in-progress painting was taken several months ago when Sadie's portrait was in the First Stage: warm toned underpainting on gold gesso. I've promised Sadie's human, Rosie, that I would take photos of the different stages and keep her posted how the painting is coming along. The following story is Sadie's as told by Rosie.
"I got Sadie a couple of year ago from the Seattle Humane Society in Bellevue. She was about 2 and was a very timid, fraidy cat little girl who had been found wandering in Medina... so I knew she was an upscale girl! She had been fixed and was in good condition. No one knew what had happened to her. When I visited she was the most timid of all the kitties in her shared kitty condo room and was hiding behind the furniture where no one could get at her. I figured she would probably be the last to be adopted compared with all the other cats with such friendly personalities. So, I chose her. She spent the first couple weeks literally being a little "lump" under the bed covers. To this day when she goes to the vet, she crawls inside my jacket or shirt or whatever to hide her face and she feels safer that way. But as you can see from her photos, she has become a happy girl and quite a poser!"